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What’s Driving Technology Adoption in Waste and Recycling?

7 Macro Trends: What’s Driving Technology Adoption in Waste and Recycling?

Rising costs, fleet efficiency, safety, growing populations, and adhering to myriad regulatory, environmental, and compliance standards are pushing cities and waste haulers to their limits. 

Forward-thinking municipalities and waste haulers already use some forms of technology to address these issues today. But even they are asking for smarter, integrated tools.

While technology used to be an option that helped organizations gain efficiencies, those who have yet to adapt now see it as a necessity to forge ahead, provide excellent citizen services and maintain a profitable bottom line.

Routeware published its annual macro trends infographic, highlighting seven key trends driving technology adoption in waste and recycling.  

Some trends, such as rising costs, population growth, and regulations, are not new. Others may surprise you. Yet, amidst all the change, one thing remains constant—incorporating technology that is able to grow as your operation evolves, navigate complexity, and evolve with ease. 

Read on for a sneak peak at what’s inside our Macro Trends report. Want to view all seven? Download here.

What’s Driving Technology Adoption in Waste and Recycling?

Rising Costs

Global inflation continued to impact all businesses in 2023. High fuel prices, compounded by higher costs to maintain fleets and retain drivers are again top issues we hear from our customers. According to SP Global, gasoline prices are expected to rise another seven cents per gallon in 2024.

Learn how haulers and municipalities are using technology to reduce costs and optimize spending.

Cloud Adoption

Cloud adoption among enterprise organizations in other industries is now over 94%, according to a 2023 survey conducted by Rightscale, while the cloud is expected to host more than 60% of SMB working within the next year. 

Moving to a Software as a Service (SaaS) model reduces costs, staffing requirements, and risk for the organization, while increasing security, flexibility, and reliability. 


Legislation around e-waste, organics recycling programs, sustainability related jobs, and more are gaining momentum. How will this impact your city or business, what goes in trucks, and the need for proper reporting to ensure compliance?

Learn more about these and the other four macro trends below:


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