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ReCollector Spotlight: Brandon Noard, Client Team Lead

Brandon Noard

Art + Science = Good Code, Great Service, and Better Recycling Outcomes Like a musician or poet, a deft programmer is a linguist of sorts. He marries his technical knowledge with an artistic sensibility to craft experiences that transcend the digital landscape. “Writing code is more like writing poetry than math. You say everything you […]

The Waste Hauler’s Guide To Buying Digital Communication Tools

Buying Waste Communications Software

Introduction: The What and Why of Waste & Recycling Communications Tools for Haulers Strapped for time? Download this guide and read when you have time. Connecting with customers in a helpful, respectful way is easy when you use the right tools Key Takeaways Using waste communications software allows customers to obtain the information they need […]

Rogue Disposal and Recycling: A Story of Success

Rogue Disposal

Like most private waste haulers, in 2018 Rogue Disposal and Recycling found itself in a difficult situation as drastic changes swept the international recycling industry and impacted every aspect of the business. As China’s National Sword program placed new restrictions on acceptable materials, southern Oregon-based Rogue recognized that fundamental, necessary, market-driven changes to its recycling […]

Engaging Multi-Family Homes to Recycle Better

Multi-Family Recycling

Multi-family recycling is the “middle child” of recycling projects for many communities. We all know multi-family homes have unique circumstances and that the strategies for single-family homes simply don’t fit. Unfortunately, we often tailor the single-family resources that we have available rather than building from scratch. This leaves us with poor participation, ill-fitting promotion and […]

Reporting Mixed-Use Generators

In recent months, the same question has come up with multiple Recyclist Program Tracker customers: how should we be tracking and reporting on mixed-use generators? The CalRecycle Electronic Annual Report separates out questions about businesses and multi-family properties. So what do you do about a mixed-use property (the most common version being commercial businesses on […]

How Technology is Disrupting the Waste and Recycling Industry

board chips circuit board 1105379

From the recycling receptacle at home to the depot and beyond, today nearly every touch point along the path traveled by our waste and recyclable materials serves as a node in the Internet of Things, where information is collected to help create efficiencies and improvements in an industry that has historically been reactive and slow […]

Software for Food Waste Prevention & Recovery

food recovery

Across the board, local governments, businesses and non-profit organizations are turning to technology to facilitate the complex work of food recovery. As a software company specializing in waste reduction, we’re frequently asked if Recyclist has a food recovery solution. Here’s the answer: What We Do: Program Tracking The Recyclist Program Tracker is a comprehensive commercial […]