Go Green for St. Patrick’s Day: Five Tips to Improve Your Recycling
With St. Patrick’s Day right around the corner, “green” is on our minds!
Spring holidays — and the season in general — provide a fresh opportunity to take a look at recycling habits at home and at work.
Think Spring, Think E-Waste
Spring is just around the corner here in the Northern Hemisphere, and we couldn’t be more ready! As Mother Nature works to renew herself again, so, too, may we renew our commitment to the planet.
Spotlight: Karina Lee, Sales Enablement and Events Manager
She takes great pride in her work as the Sales Enablement & Events Manager for Routeware and its portfolio of companies, including ReCollect.
Les principales raisons pour lesquelles vous devriez passer au numérique pour vos communications portant sur le recyclage
L’industrie des déchets est aujourd’hui un secteur dynamique et en rapide mutation et la nécessité de s’adapter aux changements constants du secteur n’a jamais été aussi grande.
ReCollector Spotlight: Hind Lawrence, Waste Reduction and Recycling Specialist
Hind Lawrence is passionate about K-pop stars BTS, paddling and the planet. “I got into waste management by coincidence.”
Electrify your E-Waste Program
While long-term solutions to e-waste issues will require collaboration across industry and government sectors, developing responsible programs — and implementing effective, digital messaging about those solutions — is one way you can make a difference now.
Top 10 Effective Communication Tips for your 2022 Waste & Recycling Program
As you look for new opportunities this year to empower folks to recycle right, here are our top 10 tips to keep in mind to inspire you to get started.
ReCollector Spotlight: Meghan Vidakovic, Waste Reduction and Recycling Specialist
Since she was little, Meghan Vidakovic knew she wanted to work in the waste industry. ReCollect, in particular, was always in the back of her mind.
’Tis the Season to be Environmentally Friendly
As we make memories, we’ll also end up with some 25 million tons of trash. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Some 80% of our holiday waste can actually be reused, repurposed, or recycled. And we can help.
Metro Nashville Combats Contamination By Partnering with ReCollect
With rising recycling contamination rates and increased cost to manage the unwanted materials, officials at Metro Nashville knew that they needed to expand their methods of communication to reach a bigger audience. So they set out to explore the world of digital communications tools.