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Recyclist’s Latest Feature: Embeddable Sites

“But how will people who come to our city website know about our Recyclist site?” This is a question that’s come up many times, and up until now, our answer was that we can link from the city website to the Recyclist site. But that never sat that well with us as a fantastic solution, and we are in the business of creating only fantastic solutions. We knew there was something better, and today we’re happy to announce that something better is here.

Now all Recyclist customers on our Public Education & Outreach Platform can embed mini versions of their sites anywhere they want, with a few simple lines of code. We anticipate this will be used primarily on city websites, but we also see this new feature as an opportunity for our customers to offer the code to other organizations who support their outreach efforts — e.g., haulers, Keep America Beautiful affiliates, conservation corps, and other government departments whose work relates to solid waste. By sharing the code with other organizations, we see a big potential for cities to leverage or establish new public-public and public-private partnerships, extending the reach of their message well beyond traditional channels.

Check out the embedded version of Stockton Recycles here:

At Recyclist we are constantly developing new features for our platforms. That is the promise of the Software as a Service model: when you sign up to use our platform, not only is your software always up to date and supported, it’s also always getting better and better. Stay tuned for more new features, and as always, please get in touch with us if you have an idea — no matter how crazy! — about how Recyclist’s platforms could work better for you.


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