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Earth Day 2023 – Nurturing Our Beautiful Planet

Earth Day 2023
Earth Day 2023

Earth Day has gone from a movement to an imperative.

The first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, mobilized 20 million Americans to focus attention on an increasingly polluted planet. Earth Day transformed public attitudes about environmental issues, and inspired transformative legislation.

The Environmental Protection Agency was created in December, 1970, and the 70s also saw the passing of the Clean Air Act, the Water Quality Improvement Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, and the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act.

Over the past half century, people have come to understand how intertwined humans are with the environment. They’ve adopted habits like recycling and water conservation, buying smarter appliances and vehicles, and finding ways to reduce their carbon footprint.

Companies are also getting pressure to do more, and not just from environmental groups. Customers, employees, and investors are asking for tangible environmental and social-benefit results backed by performance metrics. And companies have evolved from reluctant participants to environmental problem-solvers.

As part of the waste industry, Routeware wants to reiterate our commitment to this planet and all that live on it. Last Earth Month, Routeware committed to planting 1000 trees. This is on top of Routeware’s overarching mission to cut carbon emissions, reduce paper use, and reduce the amount of waste that goes into the landfill.

You can learn more about what we’re doing to help the environment here:

In other news, we recently acquired Recyclist, a triple-bottom-line company that designs software to empower citizens, government and business with the information they need to move our world toward a more sustainable future.

We want to encourage all to do their part, no matter how big or small, and acknowledge our responsibility to our planet. We dream of a world without waste, where we can live in sustainable harmony with our planet and all its inhabitants.

Happy Earth Day everyone. Here’s to hoping there’s many more in our future, and working towards making that hope a reality. 🌎

P.S. Looking for ways to be more sustainable? Check out FREE Sustainability Courses from the United Nations right here.

P.P.S. Looking to plant your own tree? Check out the Canopy Project here, an initiative planting trees for as little as $1. For more Earth Day 2023 initiatives, visit


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