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Service Sign-Ups with Tim Adkins – 1 Easy Way To Get More Customers

Service Sign-Ups With Tim Adkins

Let's Talk Service Sign-Ups

Video Transcript Below

Over the years, we’ve noticed that haulers and municipalities face a problem.

It’s not always that easy for people to become a customer or to start service when there are numerous ways to submit a request for service, and the information required is not clear.

Then confusion results. In the worst case, this means that your potential customers are just giving up.

Our industry provides essential services, but it’s one of the last things that people want to think about day to day.

So if you’re operating in a competitive environment, customers are likely to take a path of least resistance in choosing whom to do business with.

At best, confusion triggers a lot of costly back and forth between the customer and service provider to ensure all information is collected to perform the service request.

These phone calls and emails can add additional time and work for CSR to respond and enter data into a request management system, and that’s even assuming that they are available.

When your customers want to get it done, enter Routeware.

We’ll be providing your existing and prospective customers with a single place to go all the way services they need as well as anything they would like to modify.

Available services, containers and pricing structures can be configured based on the customer’s location.

As part of their sign up, the customer will be able to select a list of services, submit a request, select an available date from the calendar to commence the request and get a confirmation of containers or items without ever having to pick up the phone and wait.

And when something goes wrong and they need a repair, replacement or upgrade, they can do that, too.

All requested information then becomes available as the canonical source within our platform.

Or, alternatively, we can discuss how to integrate with other third party providers.

After talking with many customers, we know that developing these types of tools in house can be very time consuming, not to mention the ongoing maintenance updates and patches.

Or you might have a standalone generic tool that doesn’t integrate very well with the rest of your operations.

We’re making it easier for someone to become your customer and more cost effective for you to serve them.

Let’s talk today about how our tools could benefit your business. ♻️


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