For any industry in which operational efficiency is paramount, handwritten communications should be avoided. Time-consuming and error-prone, paper-based communications between drivers, mechanics, supervisors and residents are a detriment to fleet efficiency. We primarily serve one of the industries most prone to this style of communication, waste management, in which digital transformation can promote profitability in more ways than you’d imagine to be possible.
Between countless paper route sheets, pickup notes, accident reports, and customer requests, waste fleet operators are potentially losing hours each and every day.
The benefits of transitioning from analog to digital processes extend beyond saving staff hours. There are massive cost, environmental, reporting, and peace of mind benefits that come from reducing or eliminating printing, storing, and mailing costs as well, and waste management digital transformation is the optimal way to receive these benefits.
From back-office to in-cab, Routeware’s waste management technology solutions are empowering waste hauling fleets big and small to remove the last piece of paper, across a range of functions: route optimization, billing, Electronic DVIR, Customer Portal, touchscreen tablets, and driver apps. These solutions save on cost and time while making reporting more accurate.
Let‘s explore in more detail the key benefits of going “paperless” with computerized waste systems:
Cost savings and efficiency
Buying paper, drafting designs, printing and mailing customer communications is time intensive and expensive – especially when the resident may just toss it in the recycling bin!
Digital platforms and apps make customer engagement fast and east while empowering customers with better two-way communication channels and self-service options.
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By helping the city deploy route digitization software, Routeware eliminated that cost and empowered the department to work with more agility in the face of route changes and staffing fluctuations.
The advantages of utilizing route optimization & scheduling software are multifold: shorter, more efficient routes lead to less fuel used, less labor overtime, less wear and tear on trucks, and more cost savings.
Save staff hours
Providing customers with service confirmation proof, service calendars, and more at the click of a button reduces manual processes and customer service calls.
Training drivers from paper route maps used to be a multi-week affair. Not anymore with the integration of digital routing and in-cab navigation tools.
Better customer communication
When calendars can be updated in real time, and push messages can alert customers on their personal phones, the quantity of complaints and questions falls dramatically.
Doubly so when customers can answer their own questions with easily searchable online resources, and when customer service agents can reference service confirmation reporting to get ahead of go-backs, overages, and more.
Ready to Optimize Your Back Office Operations?
Sustainability and agility
Saving on printing not only saves on paper, which saves trees, but also saves on the emissions that come from printing and mailing calendars, route sheets, and more.
Plus, digital tools help communicate key information to residents, which helps them make smarter decisions when recycling, saving further time, resources, and costs. This helps to prevent wishcycling and get more recyclable materials into the recycling bin.
Additionally, small, daily changes and massive shake ups are both quicker and easy to manage with paperless systems in place.
In an analog system, one small mistake can lead to everything being reprinted. One day of bad weather can lead to everyone’s collection schedules changing. When paper is the means of communication or routing, these are time- intensive events. With digital tools, they are a minor inconvenience, fixed at a moment’s notice with no chance of outdated information overshadowing your most recent message.
Valuable integrations and seamless IT
Digital solutions enable fleet supervisors to consolidate vehicle safety information with other safety systems, such as truck cameras and vehicle telematics.
No need to go scrambling to search for accident reports, maintenance inspections, customer complaints, and more – supervisors can access it all with the click of a button.
Additionally, with integrated tablets, there’s no need to ask drivers to carry a smartphone and no need for them to download an additional app. Fewer devices and applications mean fewer distractions, and one less headache for your IT team to manage.
In Summary
As the saying goes, the best time to turn your waste management operation digital was yesterday. But the second-best time is today. Let’s talk about how we can help you and your operation – Get Started by requesting a demo today.