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Dr. Dolittle Powers, Upcoming World Traveller, and Solid Waste: Sarah Herzig Loves Her Job

Sarah Herzig Spotlight

In today’s Routeware spotlight, we’re getting to know Sarah Herzig, customer success manager. She’s been with us for about a year now and she works with our customers to make sure they’re getting the most out of the tools we have, to maximize their services and engagement, and getting to know their residents. 

A typical day for her includes meeting with customers throughout the various stages of the process, onboarding, implementation, managing any issues that they might have, questions that they need answered, and doing regular check-ins to see how things are going. She also fills our customers in about new features we offer that they might have available to them, or new resources that they can leverage.

Before joining Routeware on the ReCollect side, Sarah worked for a local municipality for seven years where she got really into the waste industry. She also went to college for environmental science and policy, and it was in college that Sarah went on a tour of a solid waste facility. This tour opened her eyes to the world of waste. And then, straight from college, she started working in the science field. 

She then moved over and got started at solid waste. While she was there, she was using the ReCollect tools herself to help engage the residents in her municipality. She really enjoyed what ReCollect did, and saw the value in our products.

We also wanted to hear from Sarah what she does to live green in her own life to try to protect and help the planet.

She explains:

“I’m a big proponent of following the three Rs in order. So reducing would be the number one thing—really trying to figure out ways that you can reduce because so many items are hard to recycle! And reusing or donating things and buying things from a donation centre instead of buying new. So I find that all of those are really important. And then I think when it comes to recycling, I’m definitely the person in my friend and family group that is “the recycler.” 

Then, we wanted to hear from Sarah how she thinks Recollect’s products help promote sustainability and help the environment:

She answers:

“In a lot of different ways. They provide the resources people need so they can find out the best way to have more sustainable practices. They have information about more resources with things like the Waste Wizard. Beyond just knowing where to recycle or where to throw things away, they show that there are also alternative options they can try by going digital. That in itself is a lot more environmentally friendly, because generally the alternative for this is a lot of printed documents mailing, which adds transportation into the mix. And then making the paper—there’s a huge environmental cost to that. And the best case with some of those is that they end up in the recycle bin later. So, pulling that waste out makes a huge impact and not having all those paper calendars sent out.”

Fast Facts About Sarah

Finally, we got into our rapid fire questions for Sarah!

If you were a hot sauce, what level would you rate yourself from one to 10 and why?

Somewhere around six or something like a little bit spicy, but mild enough to eat.

What’s your favorite part about your job?

My favorite part about my job is working with my team. My team’s really amazing. So I love that, and then the customer. Learning from everybody, getting to see what challenges everyone is facing, and seeing the perspective on a much more global scale of the issues that people face. That’s the exciting fun stuff about the daily job!

What gets you through a hard day?

Having such a passion for what I do, and really believing in the work that I’m doing. So even when stuff is difficult, I can see the difference that it’s making and I can see the effect that it has.

If you had super powers, what would they be and why?

I wish that I could speak and understand any language because it would be really cool to be able to talk to everyone, and I feel like there’s just such a different perspective that I’m missing when I watch something with subtitles or have to translate something. So, just being able to fully understand stuff the way people say it would be so cool.

People on earth should be…

Live more globally, with an understanding of the ripple effect of everything that we do, and know that we’re not isolated individuals. We’re all impacting the planet together. So, having more of a respect for that,100%.

The world could do without…

Trash! There’s just so much of it.♻️


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