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January Waste Industry Update

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Welcome back to Haul Good, your source for waste and recycling industry news and education with a focus on smart tech that moves the needle.

Digital tools help the growing City of Durham scale services

Durham Truck

Urban centers are growing across North America, and city solid waste departments are finding ways to do more with less as they serve burgeoning populations. Digital tools for solid waste and recycling communication help many cities scale services and balance budgets, and the City of Durham in North Carolina is no exception. The City of […]

Routeware Hits The Road in 2023 – Will You Be There?

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With the new year in our rearview, it’s time to start thinking of conference plans for 2023. Will you be joining us WasteExpo May 1-4 in New Orleans? We’ll also be at WasteCon in Boston from September 27-29, among several other events. Routeware On The Road In 2022, our team traveled from coast to coast across […]

Top Five Mistakes Haulers Make When Growing Their Business

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Every business has blind spots that end up costing money, and hauling operations are no different. What if you could see what you’re missing? Over the last 20 years, haulers have shared with us the most expensive mistakes they’ve made while growing their businesses — and how they have successfully addressed those issues with technology. […]

December Waste Industry Update

December Waste Industry Update

Welcome back to Haul Good, your source for waste and recycling industry news and education with a focus on smart tech that moves the needle.

Recycling 101: Moving the needle on campus waste with digital

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Updated 06/04/2024 Campus recycling programs across North America are experiencing a resurgence, and a significant part of this lift is thanks to digital programs that help to bolster university recycling efforts. To meet new waste challenges presented by the pandemic, forward-looking colleges and universities are making important program pivots and relying on digital technologies to […]

City of Waterloo Recoups $13,600 Per Month, Wins Award With Routeware

Waterloo Truck

The City of Waterloo, Iowa had long experienced ongoing problems reconciling its billing and inventory systems with the reality of carts in the field. When resident disposal behaviors changed drastically due to stay-at-home orders in March 2020, the City’s waste issues only compounded. Public Works Director Randy Bennett and Sanitation Director Scott Brunson knew their […]

Making Waste and Recycling Operations Safer With Tech

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According to the newest report from SWANA, the number of fatalities in solid waste collection has significantly decreased: In 2021, deaths on the job were nearly half of what they were in 2020. Yet waste collection still ranks among the top 10 most deadly professions in the United States, and the story is much the […]